May 7th, 2020 |
Minutes |
- Evolution of software frameworks for Run3/4 (CMS)
April 2nd, 2020 |
Minutes |
March 5th, 2020 |
Minutes |
- Evolution of software frameworks for Run3/4 (ATLAS and LHCb)
February 6th, 2020 |
Minutes |
- Evolution of software frameworks for Run3/4 (ALICE)
December 12th, 2019 |
Minutes |
- Change of AF chair person, AF evolution, TechLab closing down
July 11th, 2019 |
Minutes |
- Bologna Workshop, Turnkey Software Stack, XRootD workshop
June 6th, 2019 |
Minutes |
- ESPP, NA61/SHINE, CernVM workshop
May 9th, 2019 |
Minutes |
- RHEL8, ESPP contribution, FCC/LC common software efforts
April 4th, 2019 |
Minutes |
February 28th, 2019 |
Minutes |
- Overview of SFT plans of work for 2019
January 17th, 2019 |
Minutes |
- Discussion on licenses and static analysis
November 15th, 2018 |
Minutes |
- New represented IT activity: Understanding Performance
October 18th, 2018 |
Minutes |
- Feedback for ROOT Users Workshop in Sarajevo
- Report on the status of the EP software R&D preparation
Old series |
October 8th, 2015 |
Minutes |
March 12th, 2015 |
Minutes |
February 12th, 2015 |
Minutes |
January 15th, 2015 |
Minutes |
October 9th, 2014 |
Minutes |
- Current status of the HEP Software Foundation
- LCG_70 release with new version of ROOT 6.02
- Savannah to JIRA migration completed
July 17th, 2014 |
Minutes |
June 19th, 2014 |
Minutes |
May 8th, 2014 |
Minutes |
April 10th, 2014 |
Minutes |
March 13th, 2014 |
Minutes |
February 13th, 2014 |
Minutes |
- LIM report: use of Jenkins, releases 67a and 67b, Savannah to JIRA migration, Coverity, Grid client software
- CernVM-FS strategic for LHC: Version 2.1.17 is undertaking the last steps on beta testing.
- CernVM 3.0 released in January and very positive feedback from LHCb.
January 16th, 2014 |
Minutes |
- New structure of the PH-SFT group and projects
- Discussed the HEP Software Collaboration initiative
- Release plans for the experiment software for 2014
December 5th, 2013 |
Minutes |
- Roadmap of cvmfs deployment and end-of-life for cvmfs 2.0. The conclusion is that sooner the better.
- JIRA service and Savannah migration status.
November 21st, 2013 |
Minutes |
- JIRA service and Savannah migration status
- Reports from the projects (ROOT 6, Geant4 10) an experiments
September 19th, 2013 |
Minutes |
- SFT staff movements
- SPI: LCG_66, Neurobayes, infrastructure, savannah migration and coverity status
- News from the projects: status of ROOT6-beta.
August 15th, 2013 |
Minutes |
June 6th, 2013 |
Minutes |
May 16th, 2013 |
Minutes |
- Announcement and preparation for the ROOT planning review. Scheduled for June 14th.
- SCL5 gcc46 will be the only one maintained for SLC5. All the others will be dropped (including 32 bit)
- Genser integrated within the 'externals'
April 11th, 2013 |
Minutes |
March 21th, 2013 |
Minutes |
- Quick summary of the ROOT user's workshop
- Discussion on the release plans for ROOT 6.0. The experiments would like migration instructions as soon as possible.
- Discussion on support platforms and the strategy for reducing the total number.
February 14th, 2013 |
Minutes |
- Information on the ROOT user's workshop.
- Summary of Annual Concurrency Meeting held at Fermilab.
- Fixing the contents of LCG configuration 64d. Full support for SLC6.
- Status of ROOT 6. De-scoped the functionality and delayed the release candidate.
January 17th, 2013 |
Minutes |
- It was agreed to move the LXPLUS alias to SLC6 at end of April.
- Reviewed the long-term planning of platforms and versions. See the details in the minutes.
- MC Generators will be integrated with the set of LCG externals using the same build and deployment methods.
- Status of ROOT 6 release. First candidate release expected middle of February.
December 6th, 2012 |
Minutes |
- Status of ROOT 6 release. First candidate release end of January. Final release few weeks later.
- Migration of Savannah to JIRA. Scripts are ready. Experiments will be contacted to plan the migration.
- Status of the MAC build service provided by IT
November 8th, 2012 |
Minutes |
- Finished building all the externals with gcc 4.7.2 (compatible with c++11)
- Production platform for next year is SLC6 woth gcc 4.7. Experiments still using gcc 4.6 for the transition.
- ROOT 6 release is being delayed by some weeks. For information at the next meeting..
October 10th, 2012 |
Minutes |
- Status of the Geant4 and ROOT major releases.
- Announcement of the ROOT workshop on 11-14 March 2012 in Saas Fee.
- Progress in the experiments to validate new versions and platforms (SLC6, MacOSX, gcc4.7, etc.)
September13th, 2012 |
Minutes |
- Virtual meeting with short reports from experiments and projects.
July 5th, 2012 |
Minutes |
- Feedback from LHC experiments on the ROOT 6 plans.
- Reported incident on ROOT server.
June 7th, 2012 |
Minutes |
- LCG_63 configuration is in preparation; it includes ROOT version 5.34 and SLC6 as new platform.
- Reported the status of the Mac build service request to IT.
- Current release plan of ROOT was presented. Feedback requested for next meeting.
May 10th, 2012 |
Minutes |
- Request for a MacOSX build Service in IT has been submitted.
- Preparing configuration LCG 63 that will include binaries for SLC6.
- New JIRA service is now available. The idea now is to close the creation of new projects in Savannah and re-direct people to the new service. Feasibility study of the migration of Savannah to JIRA ongoing.
- ROOT and Geant4 finalizing June releases.
April 12th, 2012 |
Minutes |
- Presentation on the latest progress in the XROOT client library. New notes taken during the discussion.
- Concerning the adaption of gcc 4.7, it was decided to start experimenting with c++11 option first, and do a single build of all packages with gcc 4.7 with c++11 turned on.
- Plans for ROOT releases 5.34 (in May) and 6.00 (in November) were discussed.
March 15th, 2012 |
Minutes |
- Programme of work discussion. The main JIRA stories for each project associated to the upcoming releases has been presented and discussed.
- Configuration LCG_62b in preparation. I will include new version of Neurobayes and ROOT 5.32.2. New patch for LCG_61 will be also required by ATLAS.
February 16th, 2012 |
Minutes |
- Discussion on the needs by the experiments of 32 bit binaries for recent LCG configurations and agreed strategy for providing them.
- Helge Meinhard summarized the status of the migration of the interface machines of CernVM-FS from the pilot setup in PH to IT.
- Status and plans for the new JIRA service in IT.
January 19th, 2012 |
Minutes |
- Reported on the new series of meetings of the Forum on Concurrent Programming Models and Frameworks.
- Discussion on the priorities for the supported platforms (os and compiler versions) for this year.
- Started to introduce the plans for ROOT, Geant4, CernVM. Details will be needed to be added to JIRA.
December 8th, 2011 |
Minutes |
November 10th, 2011 |
Minutes |
- Summary of the ROOT I/O workshop (slides)
- Windows platform is now declared a non-production platform
- gcc 4.6 will be the next version of the gcc compiler supported the the AA packages.
- Release candidates for ROOT and Geant4 are made available to the experiments for testing.
October 13th, 2011 |
Minutes |
- Status of configurations LCG 60d and LCG 61a.
- Notable progress of the CVMFS deployment in IT.
- Discussion of the deployment of gcc 4.6 and the interest of it by the experiments.
September 15th, 2011 |
Minutes |
- Presented and discussed initial ideas for a proposal of development of a new data processing framework to fully support concurrency (slides).
- Experiments reported on their needs for the Intel icc compiler.
August 18th, 2011 |
Minutes |
- Reviewed the stories for the persistency framework project (PF). They are available in JIRA.
- Fabrizio updated us on the transition towards EMI and its implications for the AA.
- Released LCG_61 configuration including ROOT version 5.30, updated some Python packages, and some cleanup on a number of packages.
July 7th, 2011 |
Minutes |
- Reviewed the list of 'stories' scheduled for the June releases of ROOT and Geant4.
- Scheduling end-of-year releases. A late November release of ROOT with candidate releases from the middle on November would probably work for ATLAS and CMS.
- New CernVM release is due for today. This is using the new build system (not using rPATH anymore).
June 16th, 2011 |
Minutes |
- The dates for the next AF meetings until the end of the year are July 7, August 18, September 15, October 13, November 10, December 8.
- Agreed to build ROOT 5.26.00f with the xroot fix to avoid high load on the Kerberos (KDC) service. ATLAS can extract the couple of binaries for their ad-hoc deployment on critical cases.
- Decided to choose gcc version 4.5 as compiler for the SL6 platform for the time being despite the added complications for not choosing the native compiler version.
- Benedikt together with Nils Høimyr( IT/PES) have prepared a proposal for an issue tracking service based on JIRA.
May 26th, 2011 |
Minutes |
- Agreed that the AF meeting will take place once a month on a fix time and weekday slot (Thursdays at 14:30) and a constant phase within the month.
- The work for the completion of the ROOT schema evolution has been broken down into a number of tasks, and their required effort has been estimated. Fons will send the list of tasks to the AF mailing.
- CwrnVM: demonstrator of executing Panda jobs on CernVM and having the output to EOS.
May 12th, 2011 |
Minutes |
- NeuroBayes. Only one experiment (LHCb) is actually using the software and they ready to sign the license agreement. The text of the agreement has to be adapted to reflect this. Agreed to close this chapter at this moment.
- The migration from LCGCVS to CVS still not fully satisfactory. CMS suffered a lot from performance problems, although it is becoming better now.
- New ROOT patch 5.28.00d was released in urgency during the weekend under the request of ALICE.
- CMS requested to have an evaluation of the effort needed to make the ROOT schema evolution mechanism usable.
April 28th, 2011 |
Minutes |
- Fabrizio Furano has kindly agreed to replace Peter Kelemen as representative of the IT services.
- John summarized the long thread on the NeuroBayes license issue and look at options for how to proceed. Agreed to start a negotiation for a new clause granting access to the source code under certain conditions.
- Both ROOT and Geant4 teams have prepared new development releases of their software.
- LHCb reported on a long standing issue on memory usage by the persistency layer (POOL+ROOT) being a show-stopper for some of the LHCb data processing. The pursued solution would be to skip the POOL layer and go directly to ROOT.
April 14th, 2011 |
Minutes |
- The migration for the CVS repositories to the AFS based service for the projects CMSSW, COOL, LCGTEST, PF is scheduled for Monday 18th of April at 9:30.
- NeuroBayes software. Experiments provided feedback to the proposed license agreement between CERN and Physics Information Technologies GmbH. The conclusion was proceed with the signature.
- Agreed to mark the initial planning stories as 'AF-agreed' and to be monitored from now on. Newly created ones will be added for discussion in subsequent meetings.
- CernVM-FS was discussed at several meetings last week (GDB, ATLAS software week, etc.). Overall very positive outlook and very likely that the CernVM-FS will be deployed to all Grid sites.
March 31, 2011 |
Minutes |
- Discussed the response to the ATLAS Savannah feedback.
- Agreed with the deadline for comments or feedback from the experiments to the active "list of stories" till next AF meeting (April 14th)
- Discussed AF problems perceived by the developers in the experiments
March 17, 2011 |
Minutes |
- Report on the xroot new organization and developments plans by Dirk Duellman. He also informed us about the EOS (xroot disk pool) demonstrator status.
- Agreed on a proposal from Fons on how to release packages such as TVMA, RooStat and RooFit independently from ROOT.
- Requested the experiments to have a look at the list of 'stories' of the current program of work plans and provide feedback by next AF.
- Initiated a discussion on what is to be considered a 'patch release' in forthcoming LCG releases.
- CernVM-FS:
- Started the migration of the CernVM-FS repositories with the new structure.
- Production service hosted in the CERN computer center not yet ready.
March 3, 2011 |
Minutes |
- The current list of 'stories' for each project will be made available before the next AF meeting.
- Configuration LCG_60a has been released and is currently in use by LHCb. The main causes of the additional delays incurred in the release of this configuration were analyzed.
- Second Geant4 development release of 2011 has been released.
- Initiated discussion on data compression algorithms and whether is required to study alternative implementations such as the ones provided by the Intel IPP library.
- Agree to install the latest gcc 4.3.x compiler and use it in one of the LCG nightly slots.
February 3, 2011 (Virtual) |
Minutes |
- Reports from ROOT, CernVM, CMS and LHCb.
February 3, 2011 |
Minutes |
- Selection of the JIRA tool to support project planning. Pursuing a production installation with definitive license.
- A number of actions has been identified in order to mitigate the causes of the delay (about 2 weeks) in producing the last two complete LCG releases.
- Agreed to continue supporting Windows for the rest of the year (on best effort) and let LHCb proof during this time that there is a clear benefit.
January 20, 2011 |
Minutes |
- Call to the experiments to provide the 5 to 10 most important requests/requirements for each of the projects (Simulation, ROOT, SPI, PF). This request for input has also been extended to include the R&D projects (CernVM, Multi-core)
- CernVM version 2.2 was released before Christmas. There has been a lot of feedback during the holidays.
- Experiments stated their plans for releases to the upcoming data-taking period.
- Geant4 has migrated to SVN successfully.