
Group Leader: Gerardo Ganis
Deputy Group Leader: Predrag Buncic
Secretariat: Yasemin Altinbilek

The SFT group in the EP department develops and maintains common scientific software for the physics experiments in close collaboration with the EP experimental groups, the IT department and external HEP institutes. Most of the group is involved in software development projects organised as part of the Applications Area of the LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) project. The group leads and participates actively to community initiatives such as HEP Software Foundation (HSF) and provides common infrastructure, expertise and training to the CERN experiments. In addition, several group members have direct responsibilities in the software projects of the LHC experiments and FCC.

SFT projects are organised in four main areas: Simulation, ROOT, CernVM and Stacks.

SFT Group Meetings

15 Oct 2024

16 Oct 2024

Frameworks Project Meetings
Zoom only
17 Oct 2024

ROOT Framework Meetings
18 Oct 2024

SPI++ and Pre-Lim
18 Oct 2024

ROOT Framework Meetings
21 Oct 2024

Applications Area Project Meetings


SFT puts its expertise and talents at the service of CERN (and not only) experiments with the goal of designing and developing highly innovating scientific software solutions. It also provides the basic building blocks of every successful software stack, from event generation, simulation and data analysis. The packages developed and maintained by the SFT group are not only targeting High Energy Physics, but also other disciplines, for example Medical Sciences, Biology and Astronomy.

Under the spotlight

4 Oct


The twelfth edition of the INFN International School on "Architectures, tools and methodologies for developing efficient large scale scientific computing applications" ESC21 - EFFICIENT SCIENTIFIC ...

3 Jun

The next CernVM Users Workshop will take place at CERN from 3 to 5 June 2019. As usual, the workshop aims to bring together users and developers to discuss the current status of the CernVM ecosystem ...

1 Feb
As part of the AFS Phase-Out, starting with 1st February 2019 the area /afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg is unavailable, the preferred replacement for software distribution is /cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg and related ...
10 Sep
To discuss and shape the future of ROOT, the ROOT team would like to invite you to the 11th ROOT Users' Workshop. This time we will meet in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina.