
This is a list of documents which are useful for the everyday group life and operation of services.

Title Post date
AA Quarterly Reports
How to use Jira Newcomers Documentation
Create a git repository Newcomers Documentation
SERVICE NOW User Guide Newcomers Documentation
Set Up CERN profile and home page Newcomers Documentation
Twiki User Documentation Newcomers Documentation
Indico Tutorials Newcomers Documentation
EDH How-to's Newcomers Documentation
Available software and where to get it Newcomers Documentation
How to add my self as a user at CERN Newcomers Documentation
SFT Group Membership Newcomers Documentation
How to add my self as a user at the local machine Newcomers Documentation
How to create a linux account Newcomers Documentation
How to ask for an IT managed Virtual Machine Newcomers Documentation
Install Scientific linux Newcomers Documentation
How to contact HR for administrative issues Newcomers Documentation
Simulation Documents and Presentations
Integration Mac machines into EC SFT General Documentation
Hepsoft Packages And Releases
LCG nightlies