Packages And Releases

Packages And Releases

HowTo Coverity

Instructions for re-installing/configuring Coverity


The LCG Coverity Connect system is hosted at CERN on the machine However, people access the machine via redirection from the machine. cernvm001is the current proxy for Coverity with the following mapping:

LCG Releases

External software packages are taken from external sources to EP/SFT. They are recompiled, if possible and necessary, on all SFT provided platforms. External software packages are provided for many different areas such as


The hepsoft release shall facilitate the usage of the PH/SFT provided software stack, i.e. usage without configuration management tools. This is achieved by placing a coherent set of packages under one root directory with the usually used sub-directories, e.g. "bin", "lib", "lib64", "include", "share", etc. The dependencies of packages within a release are either on the hepsoft release or on the system level (for basic dependencies, e.g. X11, glibc, ...).