In 2015, the LHC will restart. Experimental groups at the LHC have reviewed their Run 1 experiences in detail, acquired the latest computing and software technologies, and constructed new computing models to prepare for Run 2. On the side of the intensity frontier, SuperKEKB will start commissioning in 2015, and fixed-target experiments at CERN, Fermilab and J-PARC are growing bigger in size. In nuclear physics field, FAIR is under construction and RHIC well engaged into its Phase-II research program facing increased datasets and new challenges with precision Physics. For the future, developments are progressing towards the construction of ILC. In all these projects, computing and software will be even more important than before. Beyond those examples, non-accelerator experiments are also seeking novel computing models as their apparatus and operation become larger and distributed. With much progress, thoughts and new directions made in recent years, we strongly feel we have reached the perfect time where meeting together and sharing our experiences will be highly beneficial.