The original document can be found at our SVN repository. This text describes how to install generators to MCGenerators trees:
- Download new authors tarfile to local source tarfile repository:
a. Obtain sftnight AFS token; b. Download source tarball into /afs/;
- Add package definition to requested version of LCGCMT release: cmake/toolchain/heptools-.cmake;
- Try build on local node and run GENSER test for the given package;
- Commit changes into SVN;
- Go to and submit jobs for all requested releases; Don't install more then one full release at once!
- If the installation is successfull, mail to like this: Dear colleagues, New Tauola++ version - Tauola++ 1.1.4 has been installed into MCGenerators lcgcmt trees:
- MCGenerators_lcgcmt65
- MCGenerators_lcgcmt65a
- MCGenerators_lcgcmt66
Best regards,
Installation of LCG_68 and newer releases
- Steps 1-4 from the instruction above.
- Build generators in temporary location (e.g. /afs/ and cd to it.
- Create the summary files for a release /afs/ . UPGRADE
/afs/ \
. x8664-slc6-gcc48-opt 69root6 UPGRADE The files LCG*.txt should be created. (contrib, generators, externals)
- Create RPM spec file a) Determine the current release number ls /afs/ | grep LCG_generators | grep 69root6 Output is:
Use next release number (9 in this case) b) Prepare temporary build directory (/tmp/sftnight in this case) rm -rf /tmp/sftnight/* c) Produce .spec file /afs/ \ LCG_generators_x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt.txt -b /tmp/sftnight -o generators.spec --releaseLCG_generators_69root6_x86_64_slc6_gcc48_opt-1.0.0-6.noarch.rpm LCG_generators_69root6_x86_64_slc6_gcc48_opt-1.0.0-7.noarch.rpm LCG_generators_69root6_x86_64_slc6_gcc48_opt-1.0.0-8.noarch.rpm -> <- is release number
- Make rpm rpmbuild -bb generators.spec
- Copy rpm cp -v -i /tmp/sftnight/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/*.rpm /afs/
- Update rpm database createrepo --workers=20 /afs/
- Install to AFS a) Prepare environment export MYSITEROOT=/afs/ b) Install List rpms /afs/ list Install /afs/ --rpmupdate install \ LCG_generators_69root6_x86_64_slc6_gcc48_opt-1.0.0-9
- Check that the new generators are installed on AFS
- If the installation is successfull, mail to