CERN-SFT has successfully participated in the Google Summer of Code program since 2011, and we are taking part again in 2017! This year, we are applying under the umbrella organization of the HEP Software Foundation (HSF). While in this page we will include the project ideas for CERN-SFT, you can find information about other HSF-related projects at the new HSF GSoC website.
At CERN-SFT, we intend to offer three options. Please pick one of the project ideas grouped into categories, take a look at the section dedicated to 'Blue sky' projects, or propose your own great idea for this summer. We are looking forward to hearing about your proposals. A list of our mentors (and their areas of expertise) can be found here.
We encourage students who plan to apply to contact us about their interests and explain their project ideas as early as possible. Our experience from past GSoCs was that initial student applications either need to be reworked in close collaboration with a future mentor, or at least can benefit from feedback and discussion. Please do not forget to provide us with some relevant information about yourself (for example CV, past projects, personal page or blog, LinkedIn profile, Github account, etc.).
Before submitting an application please consult the official GSoC FAQ where you can find some good advice on writing a successful application. The application should be submitted through the GSoC Web page before April 3, 2017.
Project ideas
ROOT Projects
Big Data Tools for Physics Analysis
Spark is an open-source software framework for large-scale big data processing on clusters. While it has become mainstream in industry, its adoption in the field of physics is still in its infancy. This project intends to explore the use of Spark for physics analysis at CERN, and in particular its interplay with two technologies: (i) ROOT, a software toolkit widely used for high-energy physics analysis, and (ii) the Jupyter notebooks, a well-known interface for interactive analysis.
The main development of this project will focus on making it easier to manage Spark computations from a Jupyter notebook. A plugin will be developed so that notebook users can monitor the status of a Spark job submitted from a notebook cell, and even cancel it if necessary. The main use case of the plugin will be a parallel physics analysis with ROOT and Spark, with a possible second use case in distributed machine learning. The plugin can then be integrated into the SWAN notebook pilot service at CERN.
Task ideas:
- Creation of a testbed for submission of Spark jobs from a Jupyter notebook
- Design and implementation of a plugin to monitor Spark jobs from a notebook
- Display information such as progress bars, task statistics and errors
- Allow to cancel ongoing Spark jobs
- Use cases: apply the plugin to a couple of distributed Spark applications
- ROOT physics analysis
- Machine learning
- Tests on CERN IT infrastructure (Spark clusters)
- Integration of the plugin into the SWAN notebook service at CERN
Expected results: working implementation of the notebook plugin to manage ROOT-Spark jobs
Requirements: Spark, Python, JavaScript, Jupyter notebooks
Mentors: Enric Tejedor (etejedor@cern.ch), Danilo Piparo (danilo.piparo@cern.ch), Prasanth Kothuri (prasanth.kothuri@cern.ch), Kacper Surdy (kacper.surdy@cern.ch)
Improvements in vectorization and parallelization of ROOT Math libraries
HEP software applications require a large amount of computing resources, and their computing performance is an important issue, in particular to satisfy their ever-increasing requirements. Since 2005, we no longer benefit from the automatic gains due to the increase in processor clock frequency. The growth in the number of transistors on a chip now translates into an increase in the number of cores rather than an improvement in the performance of each core. To tackle these challenges, the ROOT project has been undertaking a re-engineering to adapt its Math libraries to run in multiple concurrent threads and make an efficient use of the vector units (SIMD).
The chosen candidate will continue the re-engineering made on vectorization of the Mathematical function interfaces and the fitting functions plus parallelization of the last one.
Task ideas:
- Completion of parallelization and vectorization of all the fitting methods available in ROOT.
- Adapt gradient function interfaces for thread-based parallelization and vectorization.
- Vectorization of TFormula and “predefined ROOT functions”.
- Vectorization of most used mathematical and statistical functions in ROOT::Math and TMath.
Expected results: For each one of these areas the student will be expected to provide tests, reliable benchmarks and speed-up results. At the end of GSoC, ROOT should be capable of fitting in parallel and making use of vectorization to evaluate both user-specified and predefined formulas.
Requirements: Strong knowledge of C++11; being able to produce clean, reliable code; No need for background in math, although basic understanding of equations is expected. Basic notions of vectorization are a plus.
Mentors: Xavier Valls, Lorenzo Moneta
Enhance C-Reduce to work with ROOT
C-Reduce is a tool which aims to reduce bug reports. It transforms user's source files to make them as minimal as possible. Minimalistic bug reproducers are easy to debug and convert into regression tests. C-Reduce is fairly mature and well adapted to minimize crashes in compilers. The project will be mainly focused towards making C-Reduce easier to use with ROOT and it's interactive C++ interpreter cling.
Task ideas and expected results:
- Extend C-Reduce to be able to reduce easily ROOT bug reports.
- Optionally extend C-Reduce to minimize ROOT's data files.
- Implement tests for all the realized functionality.
- Prepare a final poster of the work and be ready to present it
Requirements: Intermediate level of C++, some experience with Clang
Mentors: Vassil Vassilev
Message Parsing Interface for ROOT (ROOTMpi)
Project Description: By standardizing the way different machines communicate during a running process, we can analyze bigger chunks of data in less time. ROOT MPI allows to communicate ROOT's native objects on top of the C/C++ raw data types. ROOT's serialization methods and optimal design of the new C++ standard permits the user to focus on the algorithm instead of the low-level syntax.
Task ideas:
- Extend existing communication schemas
- Write support for MPI files (may consider some design or idea to integrate it to TFile)
- Write a memory window, shared memory and RMA support
- Checkpoint support at least in OpenMpi and Mpich
- Improve the error handler system and messages in the output.
- User tools:
- Write a profiling tool
- Write a benchmarking module
- Integrate valgrind command to ROOTMpi command for debug
- Working implementation with tests and documentation
- A machine learning example integrated with TMVA that uses ROOTMpi
- Performance comparison with a basic example between ROOTMpi and Proof
Requirements: advanced skills in C/C++, experience in parallel programming with MPI
Mentors: Omar Zapata, Lorenzo Moneta
Source code: ROOT Mpi
Integration of Apache Parquet reading capabilities in ROOT data analyses
ROOT is a C++ software toolkit widely used for high-energy physics (HEP) analyses. It specializes in reading and writing large amounts of data efficiently, using a custom storage format known as ROOT files. TDataFrame is a new tool that allows ROOT users to quickly and efficiently setup data analyses through a high-level declarative syntax (i.e. functional chains).
The aim of this project is to seamlessly interface TDataFrame with common storage formats other than ROOT files, such as Apache Parquet. Users of TDataFrame will be able to transparently read data stored in these formats with minimal or no change required to the analysis code.
Task ideas and expected results:
- design of new internal facilities for ROOT to read from third-party file formats such as Apache Parquet
- design of a user-transparent interface to access these facilities through TDataFrame
- implementation, integration and testing of this interface in ROOT's TDataFrame, to make this feature readily available to users
Requirements: strong C++ and C++11 skills, familiarity with the Apache Parquet file formats. Familiarity with the ROOT software library is highly desirable.
Mentors: Enrico Guiraud, Danilo Piparo
Machine Learning Projects
Machine Learning Project 1. Convolutional Deep Neural Networks on GPUs for Particle Physics Applications
Project Description: Toolkit for Multivariate Analysis (TMVA) is a multi-purpose machine learning toolkit integrated into the ROOT scientific software framework, used in many particle physics data analysis and applications. Last year we have expanded TMVA's capabilities to include feed-forward deep learning library (DNN) that supports interactive training on GPUs. This summer we would like to expand the toolkit with optimized convolutional deep neural networks (CNN). CNNs have very promising applications in particle physics such as particle and event classification, imaging calorimetry and particle tracking, allowing physicists to use new techniques to identify particles and search for new physics.
Task ideas and expected results:
- Production-ready convolutional deep learning library
- Design of first-stage filters
- Support for GPUs for training
- integration with existing low-level interface designed for the DNN library
Requirements: strong C++ skills, solid knowledge of deep learning, understanding of convolutional networks, familiarity with GPU interfaces a plus
Mentors: Sergei Gleyzer and Lorenzo Moneta
Web page: TMVA
Source code: DNN
Machine Learning Project 2. Multi-target Regression for Particle Physics
Project Description: Toolkit for Multivariate Analysis (TMVA) is a multi-purpose machine learning toolkit integrated into the ROOT scientific software framework, used in many particle physics data analysis and applications. We have recently expanded the regression (continuous function estimation) capabilities of the toolkit to include multiple loss-functions. One important open area of machine learning research is multi-target (or multi-objective) regression. In this project, the goal is to learn to estimate multiple continuous target functions at once. This summer we would like to expand the toolkit capabilities in multi-target/multi-objective function estimation. This has promising applications in particle physics research, such as particle transformations, fast detector simulation and many more, enabling particle physicists to make faster discoveries.
Task ideas and expected results:
- Extension of existing single-target estimation/regression capabilities to multiple targets
- Primarily targeting Boosted Decision Trees and Deep Neural Networks
Requirements: strong C++ skills, understanding of machine learning and in particular, its application to function estimation/regression
Mentors: Sergei Gleyzer, Lorenzo Moneta, Omar Zapata
Web page: TMVA
Source code: TMVA
Additional Machine Learning Project Ideas and Areas of Interest
Project Description: Toolkit for Multivariate Analysis (TMVA) is a multi-purpose machine learning toolkit integrated into the ROOT scientific software framework, used in many particle physics data analysis and applications. The following are also areas of interest with impactful applications to particle physics
Task ideas and expected results:
- Unsupervised learning: deep auto-encoders, restricted boltzmann machines (RBMs)
- Deep learning: recurrent neural networks (RNNs), LTSM, complex-valued neural networks
Requirements: strong C++ skills, good understanding of machine learning algorithms
Mentors: Sergei Gleyzer, Lorenzo Moneta, Omar Zapata, Stefan Wunsch, Enrico Guiraud
Web page: TMVA
Source code: TMVA
Sixtrack Numerical Accelerator Simulation Projects
SixTrack is a software for simulating and analysing the trajectory of high energy particles in accelerators. It has been used in the design and optimization of the LHC and is now being used to design the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) upgrade that will be installed in the next decade. Sixtrack has been adapted to take advantage of large scale volunteer computing resources provided by the LHC@Home project. It has been engineered to give the exact same results after millions of operations on several, very different computer platforms. The source code is written in Fortran, and is pre-processed by two programs that assemble the code blocks and provide automatic differentiation of the equation of motions. The code relies on the crlibm (link is external) library, careful arrangement of parenthesis, dedicated input/output and selected compilation flags for the most common compilers to provide identical results on different platforms and operating systems. An option enables the use of the Boinc (link is external) library for volunteer computing. A running environment SixDesk is used to generate input files, split simulations for LHC@Home (link sends e-mail) or CERN cluster and collect the results for the user. SixTrack is licensed under LGPLv2.1.
A strong background in computer science and programming languages as well the interest to understand computational physics methods implemented in the code are sought. The unique challenge will be offered to work with a high-performance production code that is used for the highest energy accelerator in the world - and thus the code's reliability and backward compatibility cannot be compromised. There will be the opportunity to learn about methods used in simulating the motion of particles in accelerators.
Optimize and Integrate Standalone Tracking Library (SixTrackLib)
Description: Optimize data structure and source code of a standalone tracking library in C in order to take advantage of automatic vectorization offered by GCC and CLang for CPU and explicit vectorization from OpenCL and CUDA for GPU. The code must then be linked with the legacy SixTrack code and replace the inner loop.
Expected results: Demonstrate that the C code can run existing simulation at the same or faster speed on CPU and can saturate the computing capacity of GPU, while keeping bit-level identical results.
Mentors: Riccardo De Maria, Giovanni Iadarola
Requirements: Experience with Fortran, C, OpenCL, CUDA, vectorization techniques.
Web Page: cern.ch/sixtrack
Source Code: github.com/SixTrack/SixTrack
New physics models
Description: Implement, test and put in production a new solvers for generic RF-mulitpole, combined function magnets and radiation effects.
Expected results: The user can build accelerator simulations with more accurate models for low energy machines and/or machines with radiation effects.
Mentors: Riccardo De Maria, Kyrre Sjobak
Requirements: Fortran, calculus, accelerator physics.
Web Page: cern.ch/sixtrack
Source Code: github.com/SixTrack/SixTrack
Code Benchmark and Consolidation
Description: Benchmark simulation size against result throughput on different architectures and identify I/O, memory and CPU bottleneck. Evaluate the impact of merging branches on these performance figures.
Expected results: An analysis of result throughput depending on the architecture, identification of bottlenecks in the source code, assessment on impact of branches.
Mentors: Riccardo De Maria, Kyrre Sjobak
Requirements: Fortran, calculus, accelerator physics.
Web Page: cern.ch/sixtrack
Source Code: github.com/SixTrack/SixTrack
Continuous integration and test coverage with CDash and coverity
Description: SixTrack building system has been recently updated using CMake and integrate in CDash. This enables us to implement best practices in testing by improving the test coverage, test speed and nightly test cycles.
Expected results: Approaching 100% code coverage with test and at the same time reducing testing running time. Implement automatic triggers for each commit that will launch the test suite and CDash update.
Mentors: Riccardo De Maria, Kyrre Sjobak
Requirements: Fortran, calculus, accelerator physics.
Web Page: cern.ch/sixtrack
Source Code: github.com/SixTrack/SixTrack
Detector simulation projects
Optimisation of GeantV HPC workload balancing by use of unsupervised machine learning
GeantV is a project aiming to deploy massively parallel detector simulation workloads from workstations to distributed computing resources, including HPC clusters. The GeantV concurrency model[1] exploits optimally a single node using threads and features such as vectorization and machine topology discovery. We are developing a model to adapt GeantV to make efficient use also of HPC resources, minimizing the processing tails due to the inhomogeneity of distributed environments. The goal of the summer project is to test and optimize the HPC deployment model, using the idea of optimized job scheduling based on evolutionary tuning of GeantV job parameters and spectral clustering[3] of HPC resources in optimal subregions based on a graph representation of them.
Task ideas:
- Implement multi-tier master-worker communication layer using MPI or alternative communication protocol (ZeroMQ or others).
- Design and implement multi-layer graph workflow[2] for HPC layer, integrate spectral clustering [3] in job processing schema.
- Deploy and test the code on a cluster, adding evolutionary tuning module and deploy spectral clustering [4].
Expected deliverables: Deployment of GeantV in a cluster, demonstrating improvement in workload balancing compared to naive workload deployment.
Optimization based on ML techniques demonstrating improvements with respect to the initial heuristic-based implementation.
Desired programming experience: C/C++
Desired knowledge: HPC, linear algebra, machine learning algorithms
Link to relevant websites: geant.web.cern.ch
Mentors: Andrei Gheata, Oksana Shadura
Apostolakis, J and Bandieramonte, M and Bitzes, G and Brun, R and Canal, P and Carminati, F and Licht, JC De Fine and Duhem, L and Elvira, VD and Gheata, A and others, Adaptive track scheduling to optimize concurrency and vectorization in GeantV, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 608, 1, 012003, 2015, IOP Publishing
Mikko Kivelä, Alex Arenas, Marc Barthelemy, James P. Gleeson, Yamir Moreno, Mason A. Porter; Multilayer networks. J Complex Netw 2014; 2 (3): 203-271. doi: 10.1093/comnet/cnu016
Andrew Y. Ng, Michael I. Jordan, and Yair Weiss. 2001. On spectral clustering: analysis and an algorithm. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems: Natural and Synthetic (NIPS'01), T. G. Dietterich, S. Becker, and Z. Ghahramani (Eds.). MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA, 849-856.
Xiaowen Dong and Pascal Frossard and Pierre Vandergheynst and Nikolai Nefedov, Clustering with Multi-Layer Graphs: A Spectral Perspective, CoRR, abs/1106.2233, 2011, http://arxiv.org/abs/1106.2233
New error control methods for integration of trajectories
Geant4 and GeantV use Runge-Kutta methods to integrate the motion of charged particles in a non-uniform electromagnetic field. Methods must provide good integration accuracy for the integration and to cost a minimum of computation time. Integration is used to identify the intersection point between the curved track and the volume boundaries. Due to the large number of steps and the cost of the evaluations of the field, the integration and intersection are a performance critical part of detector simulation. Recent work has introduced new RK methods which reduce the number of field evaluations required, and has the potential to decreased the computation time.
Task ideas:
- Introduce new methods for the control of integration error of existing integration Runge Kutta methods,
- Create heuristics for choosing an appropriate method (helix, RK of particular order, Burlich/Stoer), using knowledge of the accuracy requirements and the variation of the derivative in the proposed step.
Expected results: Working implementation of a) improved alternative error control methods for RK integration, and/or b) integration methods which combine different methods, e.,g. RK methods of different order for improved performance.
Requirements: This project requires prior exposure to Numerical Analysis and familiarity with either C++, C or Java programming. Exposure to either numerical methods for solving Ordinary Differential equations (ODEs) or tools for analysing data such as ROOT or R will be valuable. Both programming skill and knowledge of numerical methods for ODEs will be improved by undertaking this project.
Mentor: John Apostolakis
Web site: http://cern.ch/geant4
Source code: https://github.com/jonapost/field_propagation
Using Pseudo-random numbers repeateably in a fine-grain multithreaded simulation
Particle transport Monte Carlo simulations are a key tool for High Energy Physics experiments, including the LHC experiments at CERN. All Monte Carlo (MC) simulations depend vitaly on Pseudo-Random Number Generators (PRNGs) used to sample many distributions. Each LHC experiments generates 5-10 Billion sampled physics events a year using around 10^18 sampled values from PRNGs. PRNGs take 1-5% of CPU time. PRNGs used must possess very large periods, fast execution, the ability to create a large number of streams, and very good correlation properties between streams and sampled values. It must be possible to reproduced a simulated event any time, for reexamination or debugging.
Task ideas and expected results:
- Create a prototype that changes the use of random number generation in a Geant simulation so that the RNG state is associated with each track:
- When a secondary is created, attach to it either a seed or a new state for PRNG, for use in that track.
- Participating in extending the interface different PRNGs to provide different ways to choose the state of PRNG for a secondary
- Create implementations including MCRGs, counter-based PRNGs and novel PRNGs with guarantees of stream independence.
Requirements: programming in C/C++ or Java at least for class projects is required. Use of Linux/Unix, cmake and/or a coding IDE (Eclipse, Xcode) will be assets.
Knowledge gained: use of Pseudo-Random Number Generators and state of the art of PRNGs.
Mentors: John Apostolakis, Sandro Wenzel
Web page: Geant4
Source code: "https://github.com/Geant4/geant4/
Pseudo-Random Number Generator Projects
Extend the TestU01 suite for PRNGs
The TestU01 suite is an established suite of empirical tests for pseudorandom number generators. It has been used since 200x as a litmus test for potential PRNG algorithms and implementations. Given the power of current computers, the length of the tests only probes number sequences which can be generated in tens of minutes on the fastest machines. The idea of this project is to select a larger set of configurations, improve the implementations and create a new 'standard' for tests of PRNGs.
Potential project topics
1. Creating a 64-bit version of the software, so that more than 32 bits of the output values are tested.
2. Use faster algorithms ot improve the implementation of certain tests.
3. Design and implement specific tests for parallel RNGs.
4. Construct a parallel version of TestU01, that can run on parallel processors.
[1] P. L'Ecuyer and R. Simard. TestU01: A C library for empirical testing of random number
generators. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 33(4):Article 22, August 2007.
Mentors: John Apostolakis, Pierre L'Ecuyer
Web page: http://simul.iro.umontreal.ca/testu01/tu01.html
Source code: http://simul.iro.umontreal.ca/testu01/tu01.html
Other Projects
Extend clad - The Automatic Differentiation
In mathematics and computer algebra, automatic differentiation (AD) is a set of techniques to numerically evaluate the derivative of a function specified by a computer program. Automatic differentiation is an alternative technique to Symbolic differentiation and Numerical differentiation (the method of finite differences). CLAD is based on Clang which will provide the necessary facilities for code transformation. The AD library is able to differentiate non trivial functions, to find a partial derivative for trivial cases and has good unit test coverage. There was a proof-of-concept implementation for computation offload using OpenCL.
Task ideas and expected results:
- The student should teach AD how to generate OpenCL/CUDA code automatically for a given derivative.
- The implementation should be very well tested and documented. Prepare a final poster of the work and be ready to present it.
Requirements: Advanced C++, Clang abstract syntax tree (AST), CUDA/OpenCL basic math
Mentors: Vassil Vassilev
'Blue sky' ideas
Here is the list of our mentors and their areas of expertise:
- Sergei Gleyzer (programme administrator; Machine Learning)
- Enric Tejedor Saavedra (programme administrator; ROOT, Spark)
- Lorenzo Moneta (ROOT, Machine Learning)
- Omar Zapata Mesa (Machine Learning, MPI)
- Stefan Wunsch (Machine Learning)
- Enrico Guiraud (Machine Learning)
- Danilo Piparo (ROOT, Spark)
- Prasanth Kathuri (Spark)
- Kacper Surdy (Spark)
- Xavier Valls (ROOT)
- Riccardo De Maria (Sixtrack)
- Giovanni Iadarola (Sixtrack)
- Kyrre Sjobak (Sixtrack)
- Vassil Vassilev (ROOT, CLAD, C-Reduce)
- Andrei Gheata (Detector simulation)
- John Apostolakis (Detector simulation/Pseudo-Random Number Generators)
- Sandro Wenzel (Detector simulation/Pseudo-Random Number Generators)
- Pierre L'Ecuyer (Pseudo-Random Number Generators)
Contact information
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are planning to apply for any of the above projects:
- SFT GSoC mailing list: sft-gsoc-AT-cern-DOT-ch (no subscription needed)