Secondment at Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP), Argentina


Gerardo Ganis and Lorenzo Moneta participated at the UNLP in Argentina. This secondment consisted in a collaboration with the Universitad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP), Argentina. The local contact, Maria Teresa Dova, leads a group of seven researchers (six experimental and one in particle phenomenology) and two PhD students, involved in the ATLAS experiment and in cosmic rays studies at the Pierre Auger observatory in Malargue, Argentina.  The main group activities focus of developing software for online selection of interesting events collected by ATLAS and data analysis, with active participation in analysis group studying the newly discovered Higgs boson properties and searching for new particles produce in the LHC collisions.  

The purpose of our visit has been to provide a tutorial on the ROOT software framework. The main goal was to introduce ROOT to graduate and doctoral students of the physics department, so they could then use afterwards for data analysis.  In addition, by providing a tutorial of ROOT in an external institute, we increase the visibility of the work performed at CERN and we expand the user base. It is also a good occasion for us to initiate and maintain contacts with the users of our developed software. 

Root tutorial at UNLP : twiki

​Report at group meeting : pdf